Speciality Flowers & Cresses

Our fine foods buyer works directly with Koppert Cress, who is based in Holland, to source an impressive range of speciality produce. Koppert Cress specialises in micro herbs, edible flowers, sea vegetables and micro vegetables.

Micro herbs – such as bronze fennel, atsina and micro red vein sorrel – are widely used in top end dining establishments to add an extra level of big flavour and complexity to dishes. Sea vegetables – such as samphire, oyster leaf and salty fingers – are a perfect addition to any seafood dish. Edible flowers and micro vegetables add unusual texture and flavour, as well as enhancing the overall aesthetic of any menu.

All of these specialist products are carefully picked and packed to order and delivered through our warehouse. If you’re looking for a tantalising twist to your menu, send us an email today and we will send you the most up to date list of colourful micro-produce.

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